Saturday 30 January 2010

3. Pretty Woman

Pretty Woman . . .

This is a  very popular Rom-Com which holds all the conventions of a true Rom-Com with the "Boy meets Girl" concept. The opening of this films begins with an establishing shot of beautiful house where a party is being held , in the background we can hear diagetic classical music. We can tell that the peope at the part are well off by all the medium shots of , Men in suits, Women in Expensive dresses ,wine being served , also by the conversations of business which we can hear.

At this party it is clear that the man of the night is Richard Gere as many people are trying to talk to him. After the manner in which he talks to his partner on the other end of the phone in , the audience can tell that his work is obviously much more important than his relationship + the shot where we see him looking down on the rest of the people, this shows he thinks hes higher than the rest of the people at the party + also than he lives a high life overall.

Next we see the credits. The way they are wrote in an elegant white font follows the conventions of a Rom-Com + then how they fade into a pink colour also ties in with the theme of love. As Richard Gere drives off in his smart business car to meet the woman in the story the mood + backgrounds change all together. We are now in the night +we can see how different both the main characters lifes are as we have moved from a Big posh house party , to the slums of LA. Drug dealers + prostitutes can be seen. Also the elegant classical music changes to more wild rock + roll style music which ties in with the environment they are now in.

The shots that come next are of Julia Roberts getting on with her routine for the night. We can tell she works of the night as we see the alam saying 90clock this aslo shows another dofference between the two characters , the man working in the day and the woman working in the night. The camera then pans through the rountine of her putting on her make up, fixing her long boots , which are all sterotyical of a prostitute.

The way in which we are shown how different the two characters are in lifestyles shows us how obvious it is that they are going to meet. The inevitability is what makes this film such a great Rom-Com.

Wednesday 27 January 2010

Questionnaire . .

Questionnaire On Thriller Genre.

I asked around 10 people for each age range specific questions to do with the thriller genre , to see what they liked to see in a thriller and what draws them to watch the thriller. The people i asked belonged to 3 different age ranges.

These are my results :

15-18 : The results from the 15-18 age range. I found that 16,17 + 18 year olds were more intersted in watching thrillers compared to the younger people. Eventhough they said they would prefer to watch a teen flick or a comedy. The most comman favorite thrillers which came up for this age range were Kidulthood,Adulthood+ The Butterfly effect. The reason they liked these films were because they were able to relate to it but it still had all the aspects of a thriller genre such as the intense atmosphere and the fact that they were on the edge of their seat for most of the movie + wanting to know what happens next. This age range said they most like to be able to relate to the characters in a thriller movie because it helps them understand + follow the film easier. I also asked what was the preferred sub-genre of thriller movies + in this age range they mostly preferred crime + action thrillers because they enjoy the suprising twists as they make them want to watch it more.

19 - 30 : The 19-30 year olds all said that they prefered to watch a thriller than a comedy or a rom-com. They said the main reason for this was because they thought a thriller genre had all the element for a great movie ! The most comman favorite thrillers in this age range were , Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels + Silence Of The Lambs . They said that the storyline in silece of the lambs was gripping and throughtout the film had them on the edge of there seat wandeing what was going to happen next. They also said they really liked the plot twist at the end. The main reason why they liked, Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels was simply because it was from the british film industry, they thought that the film was very engaging which enabled them to stay interested throughout the film.

31 + : This age range were abit different to the others as they mostly said they liked to see real life happenings + that they prefer psychological  + crime thrillers , this could be because horrors + psychological thrillers have the same sort of elements.The favorites in he category were The God Farther + Seven . When i asked this age range about thrillers they also mentioned that they like certain directors in for there films which they said they really liked Steven Spielburg + Quentin Tarentino .

2. Scream

Scream. .

The opening sequence of this film is very typical of a horror film with the title of the film on a black background making it stand out more, the black also represents death. Next we hear what seems to be the drawing of a knife this ties in with the white title fading into a red coulor which could represent blood also the feeling or danger as we hear the girl screaming we know she awaits so sort of danger + the scenario most possibly invloves a knife as the sound we heard earlier suggests this. We see a close up shot of a phone which shows the audience the phone plays a vital role in the scene to come.

The film starts with woman ( Drew Barrymore) casually answering the phone + after a brief conversation which seemed to be the wrong numbershe puts the phone down  but soon after the phones rings again, here we get a medium shot of the woman showing her confusion + also giving the audience a look at the surroundings. The use of a hand held camera is effective as it enables the audience to see the girls reaction.

Throughout the opening sequence the use of sound is very important as it builds up the tension + suspense and makes the audience think something really bad is about to happen. The sound of the pop corn popping progessivly getting louds give us the feeling that the bad happening is drawing closer + closer. Also the use of the orperatic music gives a spooky effect.