Sunday 20 December 2009


Evaluation ..

For my preliminarily task i decided to do something basic, which was a sequence of a girl handing a letter over to a boy then walking out. I thought this task was going to be quite hard as i had never filmed before and didn't think it would make sense without editing.
Me and the group i worked with decided a good way to ensure the sequence flowed smoothly was too signal to the actors when the we was filming and when we wasn't so the sequence was  consistent + we found that this worked well the actors really helped.

In this task we also had to make sure we had certain elements, including keeping to the 180 degree rule, match on action+ shot reverse shot . I found that the match on action was quite hard as we had to move the camera to get both views + a close up shot of the exchange of the letter whilst making sure the actors we in the same position and very still to enable the sequence to flow in each shot. 

When it came to the 180 degree rule i thought that we followed it pretty well as we only had to slightly move the camera round to capture the shot of the girl entering/leaving the room + when the boy is at the table + it also made it very easy to decide on where to place the camera for the next shot. The shot reverse shot we did was good as it showed the audience the emotion in the actors faces + the audience would be able to understand the sequence better, eventhough the sequence was simple it was very effective because of the shot reverse shot.

Overall i was impressed by the final piece as we followed all the elements we were supposed to and it flowedd well. The only disapointment was the final shot where the girl walks from the table to leave the door + unfourtunatly we didnt get the shots to match so it jumped abit but ths did not effect the overall sequence that much.

Thursday 17 December 2009

Research into Thriller Genre...

Research into Thriller Genre...

All Time Top 50 Thrillers :

1. The Godfather (1972)

2.  The Godfather: Part II (1974)

3. Pulp Fiction (1994)

4.  The Dark Knight (2008)

5.  Rear Window (1954) 

6.  Fight Club (1999)

7.  Psycho (1960)

8.  The Usual Suspects (1995) 

9.  The Silence of the Lambs (1991) 

10.  The Matrix (1999)

11.  North by Northwest (1959)

12.  Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964)

13.  Memento (2000) 

14.  Se7en (1995) 

15.  Léon (1994)

16.  Taxi Driver (1976)

17.  Vertigo (1958) 

18.  Double Indemnity (1944) 

19. M (1931) 

20.  El secreto de sus ojos (2009) 

21.  The Third Man (1949) 

22.  Alien (1979) 

23.  Das Leben der Anderen (2006) 

24. Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)

25.  A Clockwork Orange (1971) 

26.  The Shining (1980) 

27.  Chinatown (1974)

28.  Aliens (1986)

29.  L.A. Confidential (1997)

30. Reservoir Dogs (1992)

31.  Rebecca (1940) 

32.  El laberinto del fauno (2006) 

33.  Metropolis (1927) 

34.  Some Like It Hot (1959)

35.  Touch of Evil (1958)

36.  The Prestige (2006)

37.  Safety Last! (1923) 

38.  The Great Escape (1963) 

39.  Witness for the Prosecution (1957) 

40.  Les diaboliques (1955) 

41.  District 9 (2009)

42.  Le salaire de la peur (1953) 

43.  Strangers on a Train (1951) 

44.  Seance on a Wet Afternoon (1964) 

45.  Sin City (2005) 

46.  Notorious (1946) 

47.  Hotel Rwanda (2004) 

48.  The Manchurian Candidate (1962) 

49.  Jaws (1975)

50.  The Big Sleep (1946)

Classification Of Films 15 & 18...

-Suitable only for 15 years and over.

Accorging to the BBFC ( British Board of Film Classification ) a 15 film should have the following things :

# Drugs ... Drug taking may be shown but the film as a whole must not promote or encourage drug misuse.

# Horror...Strong threat and menace are permitted unless sadistic or sexualised.

# Imitable Behavior.. Should not be detailed. Wepons should not be glamorised.

# Language ... Frequent use of strong language may be used , but the strongest terms should not be repeated.

# Nudity/Sex ... Allowelled without strong detail.May be strong verbal references.

# Violence... May be strong but must not dwell on inflicting pain and injury. Sexual violence will proberly be prohibited.


- Suitable only for adults, no-one under 18 may see this film .

According to the BBFC ( British Board of Film Classification ) a 18 film should have the following things :

The Human Rights Act 1998 shows that any adult should be able to choose their own entertainment.

 There are exceptions though. These include  :

*Whereby the film is in breach of the criminal law or has been created through the use of a criminal offence.

* If the film looks at risk to harm the audience through the behaviour portrayed in the fim. e.g ..Sexual assault , illegal drug use , violent or dangerous acts.

*Explicit images of sexual activity.

Basic Ideas..

Basic Ideas...

* Man and woman walking through city centre laughing and joking suddenly they bump into the womans ex boyfriend. They stop and start talking , there is a sign they still feel something for each other. In her current relationship , she is always arguing despite being engaged. One day she is on her own christmas shopping and once again she bumps into ex. This time they stop and have a proper chat. He asks her out for dinner. Doesnt realise that her current BF is also going to have a meal at the same place , so she trys to avoid him. Throughout the movie their secret meet ups seem to be interupted by her current BF seems to always be around. But what she doesnt realise is , that her BF and her ex were also having secret meet up's , the audience seethis throughout the movie , with the neet ups alternating . Woman realises she is still in love with ex so decides to confide in her best friend, who tells her she should go wherever she would be happy. She relises she wants to be with her ex , but unfourtunatly he is moving away to Australia , she decides she is going to run away with her ex but doesnt want her current BF to know. The day arrives where they are meant to leave for Australia , keeps getting phone calls off her current BF , so she finally answers after 40 missed calls , he has found out she is going , through her supposide best friend , and he tells his GF that he is coming to the airport to get her. As she was meant to meet her ex at the airport she decides to go early so that her current BF doesnt have a chance in finding her. Their plane is meant to leave at 5pm and it was now 4pm and they were meant to be boarding but there was still no sign of her ex. So she calls him but his phine is off. 5pm approaches and she realises that he was not coming , she checks her bag for her purse to get out her ticket and finds it was not even in her bag . Once home , she checks around the house to see if she could find her BF but he was nowhere to be seen and also she noticed all his decent clothes out his wardrobe had gone ! She calls her best frined to see if she knew what was going on. Her friend says she will meet her in the local cafe. Once arrived at the cafe , her friend explains how her current BF and he ex BF were also having an affair and they were in fact both gay. The reason that they kept bumping into each other was because her current BF knew about them two but both off them could not tell her because they did not want to break her heart. Ends in the two lads in fact getting married and moving away to australia.

* Two young children got killed 5 years ago whilst playing on a park. A deranged man who was on holiday at the time was takingt a strole when he decided to stab them both to death after the death of his recently wife that passed away. He went through a trial but he was provede not guilty.
Him and his wife had 4 children aged between 5-15. The man decided he wanted a new start and wanted to move away, they found a house and this house happens to be right next to the park where he had killed the young children 5 years ago . He thought nothing of it and they moved in there. He is yet to realise that the park is haunted by the children he killed. His children play on there quite often. One day they get possesed by  the other 2 children , and one by one they begin to act very strange around the house and strange happenings begin. The children decide to transform the basement where their farther never went , into a secret meeting room. Where all 6 of them could hang out and plot ways to haunt and tourture the widowed killer. The killer starts to notice his children are acting strange and calls a psychic to take a look around the house. The psychic tells him that the house is being haunted and whatever was haunting the house had also possessed all of his children. He tells the farther taht he needs to perform an act which will take the spirts away and restore his children back to how they used to be. So he performs the act and they think everything is okaii , and they forget that the other 2 demons  were in the secrent basement so the act would not of affected them. One night they are all sleeping and the children burn the house down and the whole family except the smallest child dies. Leaves space for a second movie...

Thursday 19 November 2009

1. Adulthood


The opening sequence of this film begins with credits being shown saying who produced the film (Cipher films) + who the creater of the film was ( Noel Clark) , next we see a series of flashbacks from the 1st film Kidulthood.The fist  flashbacks are of some of the characters including mooney + sam, this is done to get the audience reacquainted with the characters + to show that the film might be following on from the previous movie, whilst this flashbacks are on there is no sound , this is done to make sure the audience do not get distracted + focus on who is going to be in the film. The next set of flashbacks are there to remind us what previously happened , whereby sam killed trevor with a baseball bat. A low piched sound then plays as we get a birds eye veiw of all the action , including a medium shot showing sam's shocked face. This whole first minute was done to explain breifly to people who have not watched Kidulthood what happens + give them an idea of what adulthood is going to be about.
Next a siren like sound is played to create the atmosphere of a rave, then writing appears on the screen saying "six years later" it is in slanted font + is also white which makes it stand out.The six years later is obviousl reffering to six years since trevor died.
The first main scene of the film we see a long panned shot of passing traffic which is then cut towards the rave showing us various shots of people, dancing + taking drugs. This is to set the atmosphere and also to show the audience what the living conditions are like where the film is based. Overall there is about a minute of different cuts to show what actually goes on at these raves. We are then introduced to Oman + Dabs, who go over to a posh car that has just pulled up + rob the man + also shoot him. The way the characters are portrayed is a way in which many tennagers can relate to these days. Such as the way they speak + dress + what they actually do with there day to day lifes.
The next shot is where the title scrren pops us says Adulthood, again the white writing on the blank black screen really stands out. In the background we hear sirens + youth music to set the next scene , where we are introduced to Sam coming out of prison.
The way the characters have been constructed with some as negative manner + some as positive manner it enables nearly all teenagers to relate tosome of the events. Also the scenario's which we see such as stabbing + theft are also something that everyone can relate to as we see these happening everyday in the news. So all this closness with the target audience makes them  feel more involved with the film therefore enjoying it more.

The locations being used in the film are quite apparent + very ideal for the film Adulthood. As it is one of those teen/ brit thrillers we know that its going to involve lower/middle class people so the typical places we might see would be abandoned areas + flats. This is most likley to have been filmed in the rough troubled area's of London, where the surroundings are almost identical to what the film is trying to capture.

The sound which is used in the opening sequence is very underground grime + the fast cuts tie in with the beat of the music enabling the audience to get pumped up + ready for the fast paced film. We also heard some diolect in the opening sequence to people that cant relate to the characters it would seem that they are arguning or unhappy with each other but in fact its just the way they talk to each other everyday the tone and language they use is unique to there age in time .

The shots mainly used in the opening sequence are cuts this ties in with the mood and atmosphere also allows us to see the whole surroundings which is very important as we need to get to know the lifstyles of the charaters so the film will flow and is more understanding. The editing in the opening sequence is also the same as the music showing everything that is going on by splitting the screen into different segments + having the cuts match the music.

Tuesday 3 November 2009

Research into Existing Products..

Codes && Conventions

The storyline or plot of a Rom-Com will always involve the following things :

   ♥ Boy meets Girl..
   Boy can't get Girl or problem occurs..
   ♥ Boy get's Girl..


Romantic Comedies or Rom-Com's normally consist of a warm-hearted but comical storyline whereby the lovelifes of a boy & girl are explored , there are up's and down's but in the end they usually end up happy in a relationship.
There are many traits in the opening sequence, which show the audience that the movie is a Rom-Com these include :

   A Narrative..
   Set In A Public Place..
  Main characters are introduced..
  Storyline emerges..
♥  Party in opening sequence..
  Red Colours to represent love..
  Love Songs..
  Meet by accident..


 A thriller normally has the following elements which overall draw the veiwer to the film :

CreepyMusic which builds Tension..
Not there to scare you..
Involves law enforcement..
Intense atmosphere..
*  Focus on danger..
*  Audience on the edge of thier seats..



The aim of a thriller is to keep an audience on the edge of their seats , using excitment and tension as the film comes to a climax. Situations usually get bad for the characters and the ' good ' characters are normally left in life or death situations by the ' villans' .


In a horror there are many typical elements which audiences should expect these include :

Spooky/dark/shadowy settings..
Killer , Known or Unknown..
Music which creates tension..
Violence and Gore..


A horror is meant to frighten and explore the audiences hidden fears. Horror uses our fear of the unknown, fear of death, our worst nightmares to create a scary atmosphere. The audience may also feel uneasy when watching.